Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Free Trade and Poor Countries

Why free trade is in the interest of the world’s poorest countries Free trade has been a much discussed topic since the 1770s, when Adam Smith presented his theory on trade and absolute advantages. Most sources argue that free trade will benefit the poor nations in the long run (Anderson et al. 2011; Bussolo et al. 2011; Madely 2000; Winters et al. , 2004). How-ever, the size of the benefits will vary in terms of which trade reforms are made, who the poor are, and how they support themselves (Winters et al. 2004).The purpose of this paper is to discuss why and how free trade is in the interest of the world’s poorest countries. The essay will commence by a description of the traditional trade theories, followed by a discussion of the advantages and the im-pact free trade has on the poorest nations including different theories and findings. There are two classic elements in the definition of trade. The first is Adam Smith’s rule of ‘mutual gain’, asses sing that for two countries trading with each other both must gain.Furthermore Adam Smith argues that trade is based on ‘absolute advantages’, which means that free trade will benefit all nations, if they specialise in producing the goods in which they are most efficient. The countries will then be able to produce at a lower price and trade the surplus for goods where they are less effective. This will allocate the world’s resources in the best possible way (Dunkley 1997; Irwin 2002; Madely 2000; Smith 1776) The second element to trade is Ricardo’s (1817) argument that trade and specialisation is based on ‘comparative advantages’.If one country has the absolute advantages in all goods com-pared to another country both nations can still benefit from trading. The country with the absolute disadvantage should specialise in producing the goods in which the absolute disadvantage is small-est and then import the goods in which the absolute disadvant age is largest. In the perspective of comparative advantages, freeing up trade would give the developing countries a chance to specialise in the production of primary goods and export the surplus to the developed countries in exchange of e. g. industrial goods (Salvatore 2012).However, some sources argue that when the trading is between a poor country trading primary goods and a rich country trading industrial goods the latter will benefit the most, because the poor country will have to export more in order to import a similar amount (Madely 2000). In contrast, Samuelson (1939) argues that any kind of trade is better than no trade and Salvatore (2012) concludes that developing countries should continue trading as long as they gain. The capital they get from the trade should be used to improve their technology, which will change their comparative advantages from primary goods to more refined goods.This is supported by Winters et al. (2004) who point out that connection be-tween the l iberalisation of trade and growth have not yet been completely proven, however there is no proof that trade should be harmful to growth. Moreover, barriers of free trade are not the only factor causing poverty; wars, corruption, diseases, and natural disasters are just a few internal fac-tors that keep the poor countries in poverty (Salvatore 2012). Another argument for free trade is that it would utilise the developing countries unutilised resources, caused by the insufficient national demand, more efficient.Free trade would give productions in developing countries a chance to sell their surplus on a greater market and with this give the developing countries a vent for their surplus (Salvatore 2012). Furthermore, free trade would increase the efficiency of domestic producers in order for them to compete with foreign companies. In addition, the expanding of the market size would form a basis for division of labour and economies of scale (Salvatore 2012). Advocates of free trade argu e that free trade will maximise the world’s welfare (Bussolo et al. 2011).This is supported by the theory of imposing tariffs in small and large countries (Salvatore 2012). A small country is defined as a country where changes in the domestic market would not affect the international market price and a large country is defined as a country where changes would affect the international market prices (Salvatore 2012). If a small country imposes import tariffs they will experience an overall loss in welfare, because of deadweight loss which is caused by inefficiency in domestic production. If a large country imposes tariffs they will xperience an improvement in welfare because they are able to affect the international market price, the producer’s surplus rise and the government’s revenue increases (Salvatore 2012). However, gains from tariffs are often only short term; when a large country imposes tariffs their trading partners probably will too. This will result in reduced traded volume, which in the long term will cause a decrease in world welfare. Madely (2000) argues that free trade, historically, has raised the welfare of many nations, however, but not for the poorest nations.He claims that free trade mostly benefits the multinational companies, because the rise of food import has forced the smaller farmers to sell their land to the larger companies. Furthermore, the multinational companies do not have any commitment or loyalty to the country in which they are active, which means that the poorest stay poor. In contrast Dollar (2005) claims, that the fast growth and reduction of poverty has been strongest in the developing countries that have included themselves in the world economy most rapidly.Furthermore, Salvatore (2012) states that trade will move new technologies, ideas, and managing skills from the developed countries to the developing countries. So even though multinational companies are taking over the small farmer’s land t hey still provide the producing country with new knowledge and tools that can help the country develop new comparative advantages. Winters et al. (2004) claim, that freeing up trade is one of the easiest ways to reduce poverty.Agricultural trade reforms would have the largest and most positive impact on poverty, because three-quarters of the world’s poorest people still hinge on farming as their main source of income (Anderson et al. 2011). Furthermore, the poor countries also often have a large number of unskilled workers, which give the poor nations a comparative advantage in exporting labour-intensive goods (Bhagwati & Srinivasan 2002). This paper determines that free trade overall would be in the interest of the poorest countries. Free trade will increase the global welfare and help the poor countries develop their comparative ad-vantages.Multinational companies’ investments in the poor countries will result in moving of tech-nology, ideas and skills. However, theo ry is not always consistent with practice, why it is important to examine the different perspectives in each case. Abolishing the world’s trade tariffs would indeed help the world’s poorest countries access a greater market to sell their goods, however, freeing up trade alone would not completely eliminate poverty; wars, diseases, corruption, and catastrophes are also strong influential factors of poverty.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Facilitate Continuous Improvement Essay

Assessment Activity 1 1. You work for an organisation that does not actively encourage its employees to participate in decision-making processes, and to assume responsibility and exercise initiative as appropriate. What would you say to convince the organisation’s management that they should actively encourage employees to assume responsibility and initiative? Write a transcript of what you would say. â€Å"Although not encouraged, recently I decided to let our ICT Support Specialist head up the roll out of our new Antivirus solution. I presented him with the project and advised that he will be managing it and will need to source the resources required and also the process. The only information I provided was a deadline of 4 weeks to complete the project/rollout Firstly the feedback I got from the Support Specialist was incredibly positive. He was excited to run his own project and make his own decisions on how to complete it. It brought out a different side to an employee whom sometimes finds it hard to stay motivated. The project is in its final stages now and has ran very smoothly and is well ahead of schedule. I believe encouraging employees to make their own decisions does boost initiative and this is one example of how extra responsibility and the opportunity for a non-management employee to work autonomously brings in very positive results. This is something I would like to encourage to my department more often as I believe I can get excellent outcomes on upcoming projects. 2. Do you consider group decision-making to be a valuable tool that will aid in encouraging employees to participate in decision-making processes, and to assume responsibility and exercise initiative? Explain. I strongly believe any decision making process privileges that one can grant to employees can be very beneficial as stated above in the example. This shows trust in employees, and I believe giving employees extra responsibilities can have a very positive effect. In a group decision making environment, this also promotes team work. Having a department making decisions together is a great way to encourage this. Assessment Activity 2 1. Your organisation has changed the way it accepts payments from customers/clients to make the process easier for clients/customers. What would you do to ensure that the organisations continuous improvement processes are communicated to all stakeholders? I believe this is something the whole organisation should be aware of, this way any client facing employees can better explain this to customers/clients in the event questions or queries are raised. Stakeholders would include clients/customers so I believe a communication in the form of a letter/email should be sent out to all the client base explaining how the new payment process works and how it will benefit them. The most important part is to promote it as a positive change for the client/customers. Assessment Activity 3 1. Define sustainability and outline why organisations should develop workplace sustainability policies. Sustainability in a business sense is the management the impact the organisation has in it’s environment. The impact can cover areas that not only include the â€Å"environment† but also the staff, client base and even the finances of the organisation. Developing Sustainability policies is very important in a number of ways. It can be promoted by the organisation that they follow this policy in order to achieve a smaller carbon footprint, however at the same time this could be saving the organisation money. For example, the organisation decides to implement double sided printing, now this is reducing paper usage which is fantastic to the environment, however it is also reducing the amount of paper the organisation is purchasing, therefor reducing expenditure. 2. Research environmental management issues for the workplace and state why these issues should be taken into consideration when planning and managing an organisation’s operations. The main issue as with most organisations is their impact to the environment and their footprint. This can effect a number of areas within the organisation, including reputation to their clients/customers, general publics views/opinions, employees and even the companies finances. In an office environment such as Status Industries. The main concerns are overuse of paper and printing products, lighting usage and power consumption. These can all be addressed. See table on next page how Status Industries has engaged these issues with policies. Environmental Issue Impact Resolution Result Over Usage of Paper in printing Environment, Cost of Paper, Paper Wastage Double Sided Printing forced on all Xerox devices within organisation Dramatic reduction in paper usage. Cost of paper saved. Colour Printing Usage in office High usage of colour toners where not needed, cost impact as colour prints more expensive than black and white. Force default Black and White printing. Requiring staff to have to select colour printing if they require it. All Staff email sent explaining cost of colour printing over black and white Black and White printing increased. Less colour toner usage. Cost savings. Lighting Lighting currently on 24 hours a day. Expensive power bills and waste of electricity Timers installed on lights to switch off at 8pm every night and to be off over weekend periods Dramatic cost saving and less usage of power. Cost saving on replacing globes. Electricity Wasting Computers and monitors switched on 24/7, wasted electricity usage, expensive electricity bills Email sent out by management detailing a new policy to switch off PC’s at night when finished. Exclusions from this are staff whom like Reduction in power. Reputation from general public boosted as windows are on main road and public can see Monitors are left on at night time. Assessment Activity 6 You have been asked to develop strategies to ensure that systems and processes are used to monitor operational progress and to identify ways in which planning and operations could be improved. In particular, your organisation wants you to determine whether processes currently carried out by employees are as efficient as possible. How would you go about doing this? Firstly you could perform an audit of the current processes. Let’s look at a new employee process and how this is setup from at an IT viewpoint. The current process below Now there have been several flaws in this process. Mainly the communication breakdown with Human Resource and IT which has resulted in accounts not been created in time. There are ways to alter the current process and instil new procedures to ensure the process is more successful. The proposed changes are below: A timeframe of at least 10 days for Human Resource to allow for the completion of IT’s account creation and asset allocation (PC/Laptop, Mobile Phone) Accountability to one staff member in Human Resources to communicate with an IT staff member regarding any change to the process and vice versa. A written and ISO approved document on the procedure. This is from the beginning stages with HR to the finishing touches on the IT stages. This is to be given to all staff members in both departments and signed by each staff member. So it is on record as being understood by each employee in case further action/education/disciplinary discussion is required. Assessment Activity 7 You have determined that adjustments should be made in your work team. Changes need to be made to the way customer complaints are recorded and dealt with. How would you go about communicating the need for change to strategies to relevant stakeholders? Relevant stakeholders internally are first and foremost the executive team, they are the ones that make the organisational impact decisions. Changing the way customer complaints are dealt with is something they will need to provide input for. Once they have approved the said solution this should be communicated in several forms to the customer base. This can be done by posting letters, emails and on the main page of a website. In the planning stages communicating three different alternative solutions to Executive Management would be a good first step. Explaining and selling the reasons why this should be changed. The main goal in mind for making a change that effects customers, is to ensure it is a â€Å"better solution† A good example of this is a large organisation such as Telstra. They have a reputation for having less than satisfactory customer service via phone. Customers have complained about being transferred multiple times and not getting a solution. Telstra has made large steps to improve customer service and have introduced a â€Å"Chat† service. This is ideal for people who have a desk job and don’t have the time to be on a phone. You speak to one representative and can explain information a lot easier. This is a very positive step that other organisations in the industry have followed. Selling the vision to relevant stakeholders, explaining how it will benefit the customer base. Remembering please customers not only retains a base, it can increase reputation and perhaps even allow for expansion of customer base. Assessment Activity 9 2. Give examples of aids/tools that can be used to document the data from a checklist Several graphs and tables can aid the recording of this data and also to report on the data collected. Such Graphs that could be used in this instance are Pie Graph to show the amount of a certain defect on a certain shift to compare where most of the errors are occurring Line Graph to show where the peak period of errors occur Histograms to show similar to the above Example of a Pie Graph for the above table 3. Why do graphs and charts provide a good representation of data? Graphs and charts provide a graphical view of the overall picture. As shown above in the Table of Data and also the Pie Graph. Straight away by looking at the Pie Graph you can see the trend. When analysing data Graphs are the best way to do this instead of tables. It can be a quick reference guide compared to sifting through a large amount of numbers. On the subject of trends. Line Graphs can show this better than most methods in some cases where using a line graph is applicable. For example. To see how many defects over a 24 hour period took place in a factory environment. Here you can see where defects dipped and were at a minimum and also peaked and showed a maximum. From this data you can easily see where pain points are in a situation and then provide a possible resolution. Assessment Tool 2 1. How can an organisations continuous improvement processes be communicated to all stakeholders and how can individuals and teams be encouraged and supported to embrace it? Communicating change in any organisation is important. Stakeholders in certain situations depending on the scale of change could include almost every employee. Best practice is to have a seminar or training session to highlight the need for certain changes or continuous improvement. For example if the organisation wants to be ISO accredited in a certain area, then it becomes vital for all employees to play a part. Explaining the positives the improvement will entail will certainly sell the vision. 2. Having made a decision about what to do to improve an organisations processes, what should you do to plan for the implementation of that change? A Project Plan is always a good start. This can outline the schedule and resources required, identify the tasks and objectives associated. Communication again is very important with any change, to ensure all of the organisation (if applicable) is aware of the change. The key thing to remember is, people don’t like change if they haven’t been advised. 3. Explain the difference between Feedback and feed forward control. Feed-Forward Control is a measure that regulates inputs. This can be resources such as human resource, financial and material. This is a proactive measure to allow management to prevent issues instead of having to resolve them later. This is known to be a time consuming exercise, 4. What processes might be used to ensure that team members are informed of outcomes of continuous improvement efforts? Why is this necessary and how will this contribute toward further improvements? Reports can be sent to team members on a set time frame (monthly, quarterly) this could include data and graphs/tables. Graphs are a great way to visually see trends and also to gauge whether there has been improvement in  a certain area. It also determines where there are possible issues. It allows the team to strategize where and how they can improve. 5. What is continuous improvement? Continuous improvement is an infinite process to improve a service, product or process. Depending on the type of industry the organisation is in will determine what areas of will utilize this type of method. Let’s look at an IT department, who has an inbuilt database every employee uses for the day to day tasks. A prototype has been created of this software, and it is in production. However there will always be room for improvement for any software, so constant updating is done on the software, the applications team within the IT Department work each day on add-ons or improvements. What started out as version 1.00 has now turned into 2.34 in the space of 3 years. 6. What can you do to support improvements now and in the future? Improvement in an organisation comes with ideas from the team. This can be suggestions raised in meetings, feedback and communication. The only way to improve processes, products or services is to communicate with departments and key members of staff. Having evidence in front of employees such as graphs is a great way to visually demonstrate where improvement is needed in certain areas. Concentrating on weak points in the organisation is the key to improvement. Assessment Tool 3: Project Continuous improvement is common in most organisations in some degree. This is an exercise that can cover a number of areas. Usually the three areas are as follows Process Products Service Process in the context of continuous improvement can look at ways to improve the said process. Let’s look at the example of a crucial process in a majority of organisations. A login is required for every employee who starts with the company. This is for them to login to their desktop and perform day  to day functions. The process is as follows. The problem is with this process is communication is relied upon. There is no official area where data can be obtained. IT need to wait for HR to provide information, then HR have to wait for IT, The manager of a new employee has to wait for IT and HR. There has been several flaws with this. Improvement can be done is a number of ways. 1. Have a meeting with HR and IT to establish procedures and timeframes 2. Look at a more centralised system where details can be accessed. It was later decided a shared calendar on Sharepoint with email alerts when entries are created to be sent to all HR and IT staff. HR would enter a new starter on this calendar, IT would see the details and create the account. They would then add the relevant login details to the calendar and notify the manager. This is seen as a better process, but one that can still be improved upon. There can be a period of trial over a set timeframe to see if it can be improved even further. Taking as much manual labour out of the equation will reduce the amount of errors, oversights etc. Now looking at service. Customer Service or Service Delivery (in an internal environment) is extremely important in any industry. Good customer service means happy clients, more clients which leads to a successful organisation. Let’s look at the example of an ISP. They have 3 core call centre departments, a Sales, Billing and Technical Support area. How can we gauge what customers impressions are of the level of customer service? A good way is after a phone call to have a rating system where a customer can rate the level of service is received from 1-5. 5 being exceptional and 1 being appalling. This is the first step in continuous improvement in customer service. The survey could be on going or could be over a set period. Either way reporting could be sent on the results to managers/team leaders. There might be a number of trends identified. Staff with exceptional consistent ratings could be rewarded. Staff with lower or appalling ratings could be trained to improve their skill. Reporting for this survey could be time stamped, so graphs could be created when staff aren’t providing a good level of customer service. You may see a trend like Monday being the worst performing day or  Friday afternoon. Education, Training are a number ways to continue the improvement of customer service. As well as awards or rewards as stated above. The final area is products. If an organisation is in the business of developing and distributing products, their main concern with continuous improvement will be developing this product to ensure it is the best in their market. If in a mass production environment, quality control would be paramount to ensure product defects are at a minimum or non existent. Earlier in this document a graph was created showing defect levels over certain shifts. This is a great way to isolate where improvement is needed. Why did a certain shift have so many defects? Is there something wrong with the team who is assigned to these shifts? This may involve further staff training, disciplinary action or new staff members involved. Sometimes it could be as simple as making a clearly defined process to get a product complete without issues. Let’s look at the example of Microsoft. They are the pioneers of operating systems. According to data for the years 2004 – 2009, Microsoft on average has covered around 90% of the market across the globe. (see graph on next page) This is an extraordinary number and one that comes with pressure and responsibility to ensure its product is up to an elite standard. Microsoft will release Operating Systems every 4 years on average, however after the release they will continue to build on the operating system. Adding features, fixing bugs, improving the overall experience. Also it offers support to customers with forums such as Technet and the obvious customer support. The updating is the main part of continuous improvement. This builds towards the next version of the Operating System which in some cases not all, will be an absolute improvement over the predecessor. Example being Windows 8, they have received overwhelming feedback that consumers are not favourable of the start menu being removed. They listened and implemented a start menu of some description in Windows 8.1 and it will return in Windows 10. Risk Management comes into play with most decisions or implementation of a new process. With the three examples shown above a Risk Management assessment of some degree/scale would be included. For the example. Microsoft would need to investigate whether continuing support for an operating system would be viable. They will usually release a statement to  the public explaining how long their support and updates will be created for Operating System. Microsoft also would have weighed the pro’s and cons for implementing a start menu feature into 8.1. Customer satisfaction is a high priority, however if it isn’t feasible it would be a risk to implement it. As you’re using resources and time to implement something rather major. Wouldn’t this be better spent developing on the next version. How does continuous improvement affect employees? This question is very important. As employees are a major part of how well an organisation succeeds. An example of this would be an entrepreneurial firm which is small. Employees are driven to succeed because a sense of ownership due to it being only around 20 staff members, each is aware of their responsibilities and are directly accountable for certain roles. However the firm’s hierarchy believe the best way moving forward is to grow. As the growth takes place the sense of ownership has decreased. The culture will understandably change. Therefor it is incredibly important in the early stages prior to making major changes such as growth, that the organisation creates a culture that values accountability and to provide for accountability in organizational design. Communication in a small company will be different to a larger one. There would be little need for formal communication and any sort of reporting as they are all in th e same small location. They also understand what is important to communicate due to the scale of workload. The change here as it grows would need to be subtle. Explaining to current staff the need/requirement to implement different ways we must communicate. It is logistically going to be impossible to have a general talk with another colleague about something critical when they are in the East coast of the United States and you are based at Head Office in Sydney Australia. If this is educated earlier, it will provide a better understanding from long standing employees on how it will benefit the organisation, this once again comes back to the culture created. The employee will see this will a positive for the organisation. Attitude towards change can vary dependent on factors such as the average age and tenure with the organisation as well. Why do organisations feel the need to incorporate continuous improvement sometimes is dependent on the type of industry. The pressures of certain industries almost forces organisation to  implement continuous improvement. The Business Environment refers to the factors that affect an organisation’s ability to be competitive in their market. Kodak for example, were a leader in photographic/camera film. However the environment changed around them dramatically in recent years with digital photography taking over the market. Film was no longer the medium used. It saw a decline in revenue ($14.5bn in 1995 to $2.35bn in 2013) A lot of companies would not of survived something this dramatic. Kodak revolutionised and changed their way of thinking. Kodak had to shrink in size and effectively start again, go back to basics. It kept the best minds they had to brainstorm how to continue. Kodak is now a leader in photo print paper, packaging, commercial film and speciality chemicals. Although Kodak isn’t a good example of â€Å"improvement† there is an argument for continuity. Not many companies have survived when hit with a change of the scale photography went through over 10 years ago. It is a credit to Kodak they were able to adapt to change and strive to succeed with improvement to the way they work in their industry.

Monday, July 29, 2019

English for Special purposes program design Assignment

English for Special purposes program design - Assignment Example In terms of learning the language it is a big group. Specific teaching strategies should be applied to the students of such a quantity in order to make the learning effective. Specialization of the group that the present program is designed for is Information Technologies, particularly Informatics and Programming. The level of English is Low to Intermediate. The students are supposed to have basic language proficiency prior to the study of English for Science and Technology (EST). A student should also be trained into handling skills, abilities and proficiency that clearly belong to the domain of general English. The only source of grammar that this program is designed to use is "English Grammar In Use with Answers and CD ROM: A Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English (Grammar in Use) (Paperback)", a book by Raymond Murphy. Another course book that will be used during the program of EST is "Technical English" by Comfort, Hick and Savage. This book is aimed to assist students in learning English for use in technical areas. The students will use this book after completing and passing the test on Murphy, the previous text book. The reason to use the books one by one is due to the fact that "Technical English" is meant to be used with previous knowledge of the language. However this book requires understanding basic English, it is designed specifically for EST purposes and that is why even in case the students will not pass the grammatical test, it will not hinder the learning of the technical English. Besides, special vocabulary is designed for students with Information Technology specialization so that they would be proficient in their field. The targeted students need to know specific vocabulary and that is the reason that a list of thousand words has been developed to introduce students to the subject. English for Science and Technology (EST) requires specific teaching strategies and learning activities to deliver the knowledge to students. Practically, EST eliminates teaching informal language and does not encompass the whole range of language requirements that a regular learner of ESL has. For purposes of current program, a student should be able to read literature pertaining to his subject, to discuss it with his colleagues, to give lectures and write his own articles in English. However the level of English would be basic, that would let the student to reflect his or her ideas without applying rich vocabulary, but with a knowledge of scientific words.Here are a few of specific terms that the vocabulary will include: total quality management, total quality control; total productive maintenance; design to cost, life cycle cost; concurrent engineering ; project management; productivity improvements; modeling; how enterprises adjust to environmental issues; expert systems; multi-te chnology systems etc. (3) a number of teaching strategi

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Bottom of the Pyramid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bottom of the Pyramid - Essay Example By targeting the middle and lower incomes, they can hope to cash in on the phenomenon on the rising imbalance in wealth across the globe. What the article implies is that people who scrape together a living may well be the gold mine that marketers may want to look at. By scraping the bottom, the marketers may well find gold dust that has been neglected for so long.  The authors make the point that there are four tiers of the consuming classes. The tier 1 is the most affluent with annual incomes more than $20,000.   The next two tiers 2 and 3 have annual incomes in the range of $1,500 to $20,000, while the last tier makes up of those who have incomes less than $1,500 annually.   The article makes a strong case for devoting resources to target the tier 4 consumers.   The point about social unrest due to the ability of the tier 4 consumers disturbing the lifestyles of other tiers is discussed.  Therefore, it is in the interests of all sections to maintain the equitable balance in society to ensure that the tier 4 consumers are not neglected.   This is the social point of view.   However, as the article states, there are compelling reasons from the profit point of view as well to create a market for tier 4 consumers.   The wave of industrialization and globalization has created a category of consumers who are willing to try and experiment with new products but do not have the resources to buy premium products.   Thus, there is a need to create and make products that are suitable for this class of consumers.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Abelard and Heloise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Abelard and Heloise - Essay Example However, they were still people true to their age and perhaps what might be considered liberal may have had a deeper meaning. Both of these scholars were known, from time to time, to deviate from what the norm was concerning gender roles in their societies. Their writings display a characteristic that was particularly common among the writers of that age; they were liberal to a certain extent and their opinions were openly stated. However, when it came to doing something about changing their societies so that they would conform to their liberal views, they took no action. It can, therefore, be said that although Abelard and Heloise, in their writings, showed several instances of being liberal concerning gender roles, they remained remarkably conservative in their actions. Abelard continued to advocate for a male dominated society  while Heloise supported the role of a subservient woman, who had to submit to the will of man. The love affair between Abelard and Heloise also shows the gender issues, which were prevalent in their society. Both of them were profoundly influenced by the opinion of their society when it came to gender roles, and this is clearly shown in their writings. Some instances of their opinions on gender shall be considered and analyzed in this paper. In a majority of his letters, Abelard displays a respect for the competence of women, something that is truly surprising for a man of the middle ages. Most of his works concerning women are based on his religious opinion of them. In some of his work, he states that women are much closer to Christ due to the opinion that women are particularly closely tied to the earth than men. Abelard in general shows a strong admiration for women, and he states that their virtue is much more pleasing to God than that displayed by men. Alongside this admiration is also his belief that women are lesser to men; that men are the better part of humanity while women are the lesser. He states that while women are mor e intimately tied to the earth, men are strongly tied to the spiritual. Because of this, women tend to be more susceptible to sin than men are  because they do not have the spiritual capacity to withstand temptation (Ruys 1). Therefore, his reference to women’s virtue being more pleasing to God may imply that they have to overcome their spiritual advantage over men in order to become virtuous. Abelard’s point of view concerning women is not as liberal as one might think, and instead, he shares the opinion concerning them that was prevalent during his time. He barely deviates from the views of his contemporaries, and, in fact, it can be said that he is a leading proponent of a male dominated society  while women remain in the background. At first glance, Heloise’s writings are extremely liberal because they push the boundary of what was considered proper at that time. She displays a wide knowledge in her work and  her letters to Abelard; she often challenge s him and asks his opinions on various issues. However, despite the liberal views, she is still hugely much influenced by the way of thinking that was common at her time. While addressing Abelard in her letters, she acts as a submissive woman and not as his equal (Zollinger 231). One would argue that it is because they had been married that she would address him with such submissiveness. However, this will be found not to be the case because, in their letters, extremely little is ever mentioned of their married life. It can be said that Heloise displays the medieval society’s belief that women are inferior. She accepts the conclusions, which Abelard makes concerning diverse matters, and more often than not, she is seen seeking his approval or opinion on a large number of subjects. Heloise is an intellectual, and this is something that

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 117

Assignment Example Possibly, the decrease in MMP-2 in the presence of interfering mutated Ras resulted to the observed decrease in the amount of invaded cells. B) Based on figure b, MMP-2 signal is very apparent when the mutated Ras, N17Ras, is absent. On the other hand, MMP-2 signal is decreased in the presence of N17Ras. And since in the next figure the absence of N17Ras was shown to increase the number of invaded cells per field, then it is highly likely that invasion can be attributed to the presence of MMP-2, which is Ras-dependent. Again, as mentioned in part A, N17Ras competes with the wild-type Ras in the latter’s interaction with the factors that lead to the upregulation of MMP-2 (Kin et al. 55) These findings were determined using gelatin zymogram assay, as well as in vitro invasion and transwell migration assays. Particularly, gelatin zymogram assay determines the presence or absence of gelatinolytic activity of the conditioned media. This assay takes advantage of the inherent gelatinolytic activity of MMP-2 to determine the molecules presence or absence. Thus, liquidation of gelatin predicts the presence of MMP-2 (Kin et al.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Plan about Gu Puds on UK Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing Plan about Gu Puds on UK - Assignment Example This report stresses that the company thrives on its brand image which was developed after lengthy and careful and analysis. It emphasizes greatly on its looks which was also developed after long and hard thoughts about what they aimed to stand for and what exactly keeps them going. The merging of the two brands resulted in rapid growth for the company. This was complimented with some of the tempting new packaging which featured their mysterious new characters The GÃ ¼ Decadents and also a manifesto for having a more indulgent life. The project considers development of the SMART objectives crucial and the foremost priority for the company as it helps to present the objectives in a well defined manner. SMART objectives are presented as the set of objectives which are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time/cost limited. Smart objectives help in the removal of all kinds of conflicts between the client and the internal stakeholders regarding the project. Gu Puds must ensure that all stakeholders of the company agree upon the projected objectives. This would especially applicable for the workers who are associated with the production unit of the company. Since the company seeks to enhance its sales by 10%, this would have to be agreed upon by the producers of the products who would be directly accountable for the increased production of the product. The increased sales must have adequate resources for complementing the strategy. This would help to prevent cost or schedule overruns. The present strategy for the company would require an enlarged and

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Using Technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Using Technology - Assignment Example en dealing with problems involving quadrilaterals, I will create an applet showing the processes of constructing a quadrilateral on an area equal to a given quadrilateral. Secondly, I will use the GeoGebra Software when introducing the concept of function. Here, I will include a GeoGebra applet to identify changing and unchanging quantities in addition to determining the relationship between two varying quantities. Third, I will use the software in investigating the coordinates of points. I will use GeoGebra’s point tool to locate various points, interpret the coordinates and make generalizations. One of the challenges facing users of the GeoGebra Software is complexity. Learners have difficulties using the program to achieve effective learning of mathematics. Overcoming this challenge involve teaching students basic mathematics of the topic before teaching them how to use the software. Secondly, using GeoGebra Software is sometimes time-consuming because I will need to train learners on how to use it after teaching them the fundamental concepts of the topic. To overcome this problem, teachers should encourage constant practice among learners. The third challenge constitutes the possibility of developing negative attitudes towards the software by students. This challenge can be overcome by demonstrating the necessity and effective use of the software in achieving the objectives of learning mathematics. The GeoGebra software is critical in learning mathematics. The Software helps in linking the topics of calculus, algebra, and geometry to enhance understanding by learners. The challenges facing users of the software include complexity, time constraints, and negative attitudes by learners. Teachers should strive to overcome these challenges in order to enhance the applicability of GeoGebra in teaching/learning

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Why do people stay at ISS. (MA Human Resource Management) Essay

Why do people stay at ISS. (MA Human Resource Management) - Essay Example Evidence of this leadership structure at ISS is provided by The Finance Director (2010) to include what is referred to as a multi-local approach to management. The company recognises the importance of providing localised service provision based on cultural needs. It suggests diversity as a focus for people development. The company’s vision is to â€Å"lead facility services globally – by leading facility services locally† (, 2010, p.1). ISS is decentralised (, 2010), with the intention of using people as resources to improve company position. Instances of identifying management philosophy is available throughout the organisation’s website as being transformational, defined as using charismatic personality, vision championing, and coaching as a new management philosophy (Endrissat, Muller & Meissner, 2005). In this sort of ideal environment that is people-focused, it would appear, at first glance, that employees stay with ISS because of their devotion to local culture and people development. However, turnover in certain segments continues to increase, most noticeable in cleaning, security, landscaping, and other blue collar job roles. Is there an ongoing problem with the manual labour team that needs identification? Why are there no other areas of the business experiencing high turnover? This proposed research project seeks to identify: The objectives chosen will provide information about whether there are cultural differences between manual and support workers that impact relationships or communications. The research intends to uncover what meaning the blue collar workers give to their job roles in relation to status, their family, or through self-analysis. In order to identify why people stay at ISS, it is first important to identify whey they might choose to leave in favour of other employment and see if these identified needs are present in the manual worker

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Financial Reporting Case analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Reporting analysis - Case Study Example The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) also play a major role in the solving of the issues at hand (Epstein and Nach 77). The case involving Philadelphia Communications Inc. first of all presents the issue of disclosures before, during and after an Initial Public Offer. Since Philly had just recently completed an IPO, the SEC, FASB and IFRS requirements require certain disclosures concerning this process. Another issue arising out of Philly’s case is the testing and verification of receivables to the company. These too require certain considerations under the SEC, FASB and IFRS provisions. Revenue recognition needs to receive keen focus at this stage. The fact that the receivable support provided by the client does not specify interest or payment terms for the notes receivable from several of the company’s chief executive officer’s cousins is another issue of great concern. The bodies stated above, namely the SEC, FASB and the IFRS have provisions an d requirements for these kinds of transactions and thus need to be followed (Shamrock 11). The family members, being considered related parties, need to have more disclosures besides those stated above. The family, though only actively represented by Mr. Sigar in his position as the company’s chief executive and chairman, still owns a large part of the company hence the need to put into consideration its role in the firm’s operations. The fact that there is dependence on records from another party from the previous year presents another issue to be put into consideration. The Generally Accepted Accounting Principles play a serious role in this area; enabling the auditor draw clear conclusions from the information available. Options and Solutions to the Issues a. Initial Public Offer Philadelphia Communications Inc. became a public company through the Initial Public Offer. The Securities and Exchange Commission, upon receiving an application from any company willing to go public, compels the company to apply all accounting standards to which the company subscribes (Epstein and Nach 55). These include the IFRS requirements, among others. The information disseminated in this period includes the share of the company owned by the individual participants. This serves to ensure there is transparency and accountability. The information from Philly’s IPO doesn’t state the ownership in terms of the number of shares owned. This type of non-disclosure is against the SEC and GAAP requirements and should be adhered to. b. Receivables The other issue involves receivables and in this particular case from shareholders. This basically is the money received from shareholders in their purchase of a company’s shares. It is an investment into the company hence keenness is required in handling this issue. The SEC provisions and GAAP in place concerning receivables from shareholders are that the shareholder should be in the know concerning the type of shares purchased and their amount. The notes receivable from Mr. Sigar’s cousins should have clearly stated interest rates and payment terms. This applies to all other shareholders’ notes (Shamrock 23). For transparency’s sake, interest rates and payment terms on all notes receivable should be stated beforehand. According to the Financial Accounting Standards Board, the risk level to which shareholder’s receivables are exposed to should also be known by the

Monday, July 22, 2019

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay Example for Free

Instructional strategies and approaches Essay Cognitive theories can be more easily applied, and changes and improvements can be more readily incorporated, as long as the teacher has had some specific training in knowing how students learn. For example, grading might be an inaccurate measurement of assessment of the efficacy of online education as it is not necessarily a true measurement of learning. Some students work hard to perfect their performance for a test at the end of the course, yet have learned very little. What is more important than simple measurements of right or wrong is to attempt, throughout the class, to see how each student is thinking. This can become apparent if a student is asked to explain his or her reasoning. The classroom is an environment that lends itself very well to written responses of explicit lines of reasoning. Once a student’s thinking becomes apparent in this way, the instructor can identify areas of prior knowledge and, should there be any misconceptions, can structure teaching in such a way as to correct them. Alternatively, if apparent thoughts of the students as written in discussions reveal a solid and correct prior knowledge in this arena, the teacher would be able to reinforce this and help students to expand their knowledge still further and to make more connections. Furthermore, during the semester, students should be encouraged to develop their thinking and in this way can identify which areas they feel less confident about, and for which they would like some extra help. We help students internalize and give the information automaticity by providing adequate opportunities for them to work with the process and by providing feedback often. Students need the time to practice an activity until it becomes automatic for them. if we didn’t practice math or if students had not been allowed to practice with their park rides designs, the results would not be of high quality. Students need both massed practice and practice over time before the process becomes internalized. Immersion is a great tool, but if we do not come back to the learning from time to time, often the learning is lost. That is why students may do well on the test this Friday over the math concepts studied this week, but try giving them a problem from this week’s work three weeks from now (Tileston, 2003). Reference: Tileston, D. D. E. W. (2003). What Every Teacher Should Know About Using Media and Technology. Thousan Oaks, California: Corwin Press.

Energy Drinks Essay Example for Free

Energy Drinks Essay Something I learned in my last Health class is the ever-increasing use of today’s new â€Å"Energy Drinks. † Caffeine is the single most used drug in America. How many of us must have that morning cup of coffee before heading out the door? How many college students are staying up late at night preparing for a mid-term or final exam by drink these new, all natural, safe, energy drinks? You may want to read their labels and adjust your thinking. You may want to include a little research in regards to these drinks. At this time there is no long-term research to report on in regards to energy drinks. What we do know is that these drinks have a variety of ingredients such as ginseng, amino acids, ginkgo, various vitamins, and high amounts of sugar. However, the primary active energy ingredient is caffeine. At this time, the FDA does not regulate the amounts of caffeine that are in these drinks. They suggest that within a 12-ounce beverage serving the amount of caffeine should be 68 milligrams or less. A report published by the Journal of Analytical Toxicology showed that of ten of the most popular energy drinks had as high as 141 milligrams in one 16-ounce serving. The following 12-ounce energy drinks showed, Monster at 120 milligrams, Red Bull at 116 milligrams, and Amp contained 107 milligrams of caffeine. To give a comparison, look at Coke and Pepsi. They only contain between 34 to 38 milligrams of caffeine. Energy drinks have risen significantly in popularity in the last few years with revenues exceeding $3. 5 billion a year and growing. One report states that with the new found popularity there are growing concerns of the possible health effects among children, adolescents, and young adults. It states that 30 to 50 percent of America drinks energy drinks. Of this amount they report that one third are from the ages of 12 to 24 consume these beverages on a daily basis. Due to these beverages being chilled makes them easier to consume quickly. High doses of caffeine have been linked to seizures, cardiac problems, mood or behavioral disorders, and diabetes. Additionally, these problems have been linked specifically to the consumption of energy drinks among children, teens, and young adults. There has been a growing concern amongst the medical community, parents, and school officials in regards to these energy drinks on our youth. Numerous reports are being found to the adverse affects these high caffeine drinks are responsible for. The Illinois Poison Control Center reported in a recent survey of more than 250 cases of caffeine overdose in a three-year period. The average age of these accounts was 21. A doctor from California reports that an eighteen year young man received treatment for an abnormal heart rhythm after consuming eight 16-ounce energy drinks per evening to remain alert during his night job. Another growing concern is the use of these energy drinks as a mixer with alcohol. A study from 2006 showed that the individuals surveyed were just as impaired in motor coordination and reaction time as individuals drinking alcohol alone. As stated earlier, there is not much evidence on the effects of long-term use of caffeine on children or teenagers. It is known that it can create physiological and psychological dependence in adults. This being true, we must do everything possible to protect our children from these non-regulated beverages. We need to insist on more research to be conducted in order to better inform the public of the consequences of the consumption of these highly-caffeinated energy drinks and the adverse effects they have on our youth. (Word Count 606) Flores, D. (2011, 03 16). Health Effect of Energy Drinks on Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults, Retrieved 07 12, 2012, from ArticlesBase. com: http://www. articlesbase. com/wellness-articles/health-effects-of-energy-drinks-on-children-adolescents-and-young-adults-4423299. html.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay

The Logistics Strategy For Brewery Industry Commerce Essay There was a survey on distribution costs by institute of Logistics and Distribution Management in 1992. In this survey, it was recorded that 50% of the distribution costs are occurred in food and tobacco industry and therefore a careful planning is required to control these costs (Institute of Logistics and Distribution Management, 1991/92). These costs can be controlled by effective logistics management and logistics strategy. As far as brewery industry is concerned, a lot of distribution costs are incurred in transportation and logistics and to be a viable concern the brewery industry needs to implement a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. In our discussion, we will try to discuss the basic routing problems and vehicle scheduling and then we will try to design a strong logistics strategy to overcome this problem. Brewery Industry in UK is no more a piece of cake now. The market is now saturated and to be a successful market leader a brewery company needs to bring down its costs. The basic routing problem which a brewery industry faces is Selecting the best way or route available to deliver goods to the final consumers. The basic scheduling problem is Selecting the best time available to reach target customers. These problems are incurred whenever there are there is a complexity in the marketing channel system of an organization. The more complex the system, the more complicated the routing and scheduling problems in the logistics management. In our discussion below, we will try to review the strategies followed by a brewery industry and will make an attempt to recommend a valid logistics strategy in the context of UK Market. Analysis of a UK based brewerys current strategic position from a logistics perspective and Critical assessment of available opportunities to develop existing logistics capabilities. An Example of Scottish and New Castle plc: Scottish and New Castle plc is one of the largest UK based brewery groups. This group enjoys a strong financial back plus a pie of giant sales in the UK. The company has well defined market logistics systems and can easily have a competitive edge due to its systematic and professional operations. The Companys main operational parameters are: First the orders from the customers are collected on a telesales system which is also computerized. Then orders are manually punched to the companys main database and further screening is done over there such as credit limits and stocks available. Emergency orders are only accepted after estimating the order lead time for better customer service. They use heavy goods vehicles to transfer the bulk of goods at a time. This approach leads to lower costs and also opportunity cost of time. In case of customer claims a proper back hauling strategy is there to overcome the problem of customer churns and lower costs. The drivers and other crew members are paid properly which are involved in the distribution process. Despite of such a well managed system, there are some problems which need to be reviewed and addressed strategically. More Order to payment cycle Customer Privacy The streets in UK are mostly one way. There are certain government regulations in terms of weight limits. Inappropriate size of order shipments is there The need for a better computerized and technology management system. Drivers are strict to work for 9 hours despite the fact that it is a tough job. (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994) We can review these problems are opportunities which needs to address for a strong and loyal customer base. It is important to note here that business needs to focus on the customer and should have a broad definition of market for a strong and loyal customer base. The main threats to business problem and a source of missed market opportunities is the weak focus on the customer and competition. It is a habit of the market leaders to be strong and have a strong focus on market. These market leaders do not only focus on satisfying current consumer needs but also to see the needs of customers which no one is addressing. As a reason, they enjoy a sound profit and strong and loyal customer base (Roger J Best, 2008). Keeping the above views in mind, we can analyze as a beer manufacturing company, we need to analyze the untapped portion of the market and should need to implement such a logistics strategy to overcome over problem. It is important to note that this company has an experience of computerized vehicle routing and scheduling system. At first the company planned to use the computerized system in 1970, but due to less development in technology and some other constraints it was difficult to achieve this objective. An initial system was developed but it was difficult for the company to meet the demands of the customer appropriately and the cost of technology dropped in the British Market. This also led to the opportunity Technological Advancement. The Scottish and New Castle successfully gained advantage from this opportunity, adopted a computerized logistics management system and it is the secret of its success today in the UK Market (Peter G. Eibl, Roddy Mackenzie, David B. Kidner, 1994). Despite all the above conditions, the company enjoys a sound competitive and strategic position in the market and now we will see that how can we maximize these opportunities to overcome the problem. Since now we are talking about the scenario of 1991, the challenges which a brewery company faces in UK environment are nearly the same today for example they need to improve their logistics for better customer service and in this sense there is an opportunity for a brewing company to address this customer need to through proper routing and scheduling for customer convenience. According to the latest trends in brewery industry: There is more growth than before Competitive Turbulence Growth of Local companies competing the giants Extra Capacity and proper logistics and inventory management are the drivers of success and market leadership Economic Conditions have hit the beer market There is a new trend of mergers and acquisitions. (Society of Independent Brewers, Local Brewing Industry Report, 2009) If we analyze the Scottish and New Castle plc with respect to above trends in brewery industry then it is easy to find that we need an effective logistics management system to control over costs. We need to fully implement the Systems Concept and Total Costs Concept for designing a successful logistics strategy. All the above problems are actually opportunities available in the market. Evaluation of the key strategic approaches to logistics management that could be used by a UK based brewery: Strategic and Rational Logistics Planning for Scottish and New Castle plc: In the case of Scottish and New Castle plc, a lot of strategic planning and tactical approaches could be used for designing and strong logistics strategy. A proper an appropriate route planning must be done. In terms of longer routes some special incentives must be given to the drivers and the staff involved in logistics and operations. Unnecessary routes must be avoided to overcome this problem because the reason for that is they will cause costs higher. Using different vehicles to transfer goods to customers also incurs unnecessary costs. Using proper vehicles to deliver goods at the receiving facilities of consumers is a good approach to control the costs. It is also important to note here that all of our methodologies circle around costs. Only those logistics strategy will be successful which will Reduce Costs Provide Customer Convenience Inventory Management Integrated Order Processing. We will try to shape a logistics management strategy in the following scenarios: Fulfillment Management: First of all we need to plan about how to effectively deliver goods to the final consumers. Then we can decide about the best available options such as trucks or small vans to deliver goods to final consumers. As far as UK is less short of two way roads and most of the roads are one way. Therefore we could use larger trucks to deliver goods and services to final consumers. Secondly, It is important to analyze that would these transportation mediums will save us money or not. Extra shipments and lower order sizes of Scottish and New Castle plc will automatically cause extra burden to consumers. There should be a proper documentation and record keeping of transportation and distribution for future referencing and monitoring logistics costs. A proper warehousing system must be developed to ensure proper logistics management. For example, the warehouses must be located at a place near the marketing channels for quick transportation and costs. Small order sizes and uneven orders can ruin the distribution costs. A proper packaging technique must be used to store beer bottles for proper utilization of space and proper distribution of goods. Supply Chain Management: Proper customer service and inventory planning must be done in beer industry because the market is now at its maturity with more competitors and sophisticated customers. Some Master Production plans must be done for logistics management. Beer Industry in UK contains both price conscious and quality conscious customers therefore proper market segmentation and positioning is required by this brewery company. Most of the products fail in market because of their supply. An opportunity for Scottish and New Castle is to make their products widely available for strong consumer response. Effective reverse logistics system can be developed for better customer service. Demand Management: In order to effectively distribute goods to final consumers a proper demand forecasting must be done for cost effective delivery measures and options. Some time larger and excessive production leads to extra costs and are an additional burden over the company. On the other side an underproduction also leads to lose of customers. The consumers find value only in that product which is available easily. We can take help for demand management from our channel intermediaries as well. Channel Intermediaries for Scottish and New Castle plc can provide useful insights about the demand and tastes of consumers. In short we need a consumer point view while deciding about the routes and schedule for distribution of goods and services. In beer industry at UK, we can perform some research and development to reach the end consumers for a loyal customer base. We can redefine our routes by doing some research on what consumers want? (The Above Model was derived from E is for Excellence Leadership in Logistics By Heather Cartwright, PMP, P.Log. as published in LQ Magazine Spring 2004) Technology as a source of Advantage for Scottish and New Castle plc: As we discussed above that the company has already an experience in technology and technology by the company. It is an era of technology. The company had an experience of collecting orders through telesales and then manually entering the orders in a database. This is an era of technology. For proper order to payment cycle, one recommendation we would like to discuss here is that Scottish and New Castle has not yet developed an online system through internet on which the customers can place their orders. This strategy will help us to attract more and more customers and may definitely decrease order to payment cycle which is one of the costly areas of logistics management. Most of the beer customers today are youngsters and these youngsters use internet more than the people of other ages. Useful insights about the industry from consumer point of view can also be gained by collecting feedbacks from customers. Consumers today love to buy online because they are now more sophisticated and require more information. An online website works as a sales man. We do not need to hire separate professionals. Coming online will automatically a source of competitive advantage for the Scottish and New Castle plc because no one is addressing consumers through this medium of distribution in UK. Identifying the management issues caused by implementing a new logistics strategy with consideration for available capital, technical and human resources: Available Capital: The first problem that will arise from adopting this strategy is that we need to spend a lot in measuring consumer preferences and perceptions about logistics. This thing can cause problems of costing in the short run. For example, redesigning vehicle routes and scheduling is a very daunting task and we need to change our structure fully if we want to implement this strategy. More over we will need to purchase some new technological solutions if we want to do effective and computerized scheduling and routing of goods. Paying drivers more incentives will lead to higher costs and is an extra burden on the firm costs. The management will need to change the allocated overhead costs and new planning with a new allocation of capital overheads will create obstacles for the management to adopt this policy. But if we see the other side of the road then this addition is capital required will lead us profitability in the beer market. For example, by analyzing consumer tastes and preferences will lead to proper scheduling and routing of goods. Customer will be satisfied and it will help the Scottish and New Castle to capture more and more market share. Technical: We require more and more technical professionals in beer industry to operate the latest technological equipment for our professionals. While selecting technology it is important to note that technology must be compatible with the organizational structure and culture otherwise it would become a threat. Moreover while selecting technology, it is important to note that we need it should be sustainable for example it is difficult for the competitors to copy it. Technology is always costly. Apparently from management perspective, it seems that by adopting the new technology will lead us to higher costs rather the control of costs and quality in beer industry. But if we see the other side of picture then we can analyze that using technology will easily help to gain higher profits and better logistics management. For example, by hiring technological professionals will increase the management skills and expertise for Scottish and New Castle plc. We already had an experience in technology since 1970, as we have seen above; we can experience and use technology in different dimensions. Moreover, there is no compatibility issue of adopting the computerized technology for logistics management as we are already using a telesales system to record customer orders. Some new techniques like RFID or Electronic Data interchange must be used in technology which can easily enable us to track where a product is at this time in the marketing channel. Going online has tremendous advantages. We can be successful because there is a dramatic increase in online shoppers. No one is serving customers online. Going online will reduce the order to payment cycle with better customer service. It will also save us money for hiring extra professionals for customer dealing and service. Human Resources: Management concerns about the change in strategy would be they need to hire more and more professionals to manage their operations. For example for redesigning logistics strategy we need to hire a professional leader for research and development. Moreover, paying the logistics staff more benefits will lead to again more costs. Therefore, what is the benefit for adopting a new logistics strategy? But on the other side of river, we will earn revenues in a long run. For example, a logistics strategy will produce more and more customers and simply our revenues will increase. Therefore by hiring more and more professionals such as drivers, computer professionals will lead to more profitability and these costs were cover up in a very small time. Human Resources are the most important assets of any organization. By paying them more incentives will lead to more employee motivation and loyalty. Motivated employees are more valuable than golden nuggets for any organization. This motivated staff can be further trained to use the best available route and proper scheduling for reaching our logistics goals. Employees interact with our customers. Therefore by facilitating logistics employees will lead to very fruitful results in the future. Outlining the strategic significance of new technology developments and business trends on future logistic strategies for a beer manufacturer: Adapting new technology will open new dimensions for logistics management for a beer manufacturer like Scottish and New Castle plc. Some of them are discussed below: Using a computer or professional software and database of vehicle routing and scheduling will open new dimensions for logistics management. We will have a lot of savings than we are saving manually. For example by using RFID or EDI may it is costly for a beer manufacture to manage operations but we will have better inventory tracking and logistics management According to the recent trends in the market. Almost all the companies are now on web for reaching target customers. Moreover the number of online shoppers is increasing day by day. No one in the beer industry is serving the market online in UK. I think it is an untapped portion of the market and this portion can be tapped by going online. Selling goods to customer online will not only lower the costs of distribution but also but also reduce order to payment cycle. It is easy for customers to gather information from the web. Now the consumption patterns of the consumers have changed. Now the consumer is more sophisticated and more aware of its needs. In the past, there was trend the man earned and woman played the role of house keeper. But now there is blurring gender roles as the number of working women are increasing. Moreover there is poverty of time for consumers. In this case, while defining a logistics strategy, we should keep these things in our mind. (Management Review : Market and Strategy, 2009) Now due to competitive turbulence, we need to have a first mover advantage. People buy only those products which are most readily available and which they do not need to search for. In beer market, it would be really a strong strategy to gain a first movers advantage. This first movers advantage can be achieved by proper logistics strategy and inventory management. Conclusion: In our discussion, we have taken our point of discussion as Scottish and New Castle Inc as our point of discussion and as an example of how to adopt a successful logistics strategy in the beer market of UK. We have seen that there are a lot of opportunities available such as technology for developing and establishing a competitive advantage in the market. All these are simple measures but these simple measures can do a lot for us. For example, it can provide us better cost savings and better customer base. It can also provide us convenience in operations. Beer Industry is a food industry and according to research above that there are a lot of expenses in the logistics of food rather than any other product. Keeping the above strategy in mind, we can easily improve our logistics operations in the beer industry. But we also need to implement the continuous process improvement.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Euclid’s Elements and the Axiomatic Method Essay -- Mathematics Geomet

â€Å"There is no royal road to geometry.† – Euclid Euclid’s Elements are predominantly the most fundamental concepts of mathematics, but his perspective on geometry was the model for over two millennia. He is believed by many to be the leading mathematics teacher of all time. However, little is known about his life outside of mathematics, or even when he was born or when he died. According to a passage written by Proclus, Euclid probably lived after Ptolemy and the pupils of Plato, but came before Archimedes and Eratosthenes. This places his existence sometime around 300 B.C. Euclid is most famous for having set the guidelines for geometry and arithmetic written in Euclid’s Elements, a series of thirteen books in which Euclid states definitions, postulates, and theorems for mathematical concepts that are still used today. What is most remarkable about the Elements is the simple, rational, and very logical structure in which Euclid presents the accumulated geometrical knowledge from the past several centuries of Gr eek mathematicians. The manner in which the propositions have been derived is considered to be the prime model of the axiomatic method. (Hartshorne 296). Euclid’s axiomatic method works by â€Å"starting from a small number of definitions and assumptions at the beginning, [so that] all the succeeding results are proved by logical deduction from what has gone before.† In essence it is no more than â€Å"a method of proving that results are correct.† Many of Euclid’s proofs are constructions, all of which can be done using no more than a ruler and a compass and rely only on the theorems and rules of the system. Despite having developed this rigorous system of proofs, Euclid did not actually demonstrate everyt... ... of Nebraska Press, 1991. Blumenthal, Leonard M. A Modern View of Geometry. San Fransisco: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1961. Greenberg, Marvin Jay. Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Geometries. New York: W.H. Freeman and Company, 1993. Hartshorne, Robin. Geometry, Euclid and Beyond. New York: Springer, 2000. Hofstadter, Douglas R.. Gà ¶del, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid. New York: Basic Books, 1975 Narkiewicz, Wladyslaw. The Development of Prime Number Theory: From Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood. Brlin: Springer-Verlag, 2000. Singer, David A. Geometry: Plane and Fancy. New York: Springer, 1998. Internet Sources: Joyce, D. E. â€Å"Euclid’s Elements.† 1997, [online]. (September 18, 2002)

Friday, July 19, 2019

Old Major :: Free Essays

Old Major Comrades of before the Rebellion, you know me. For the new animals here I am Old Major. As you well know the Rebellion has caused a great change to our farm. I must say you have done exceedingly well on the upkeep of this farm. Isn't the rebellion about being free? Also, did you not get rid of Jones so that we could all feel equal? Be treated equal, share the work equally? Tell me who under these current conditions is benefitting? I have spoken to a few of you and now know how the initial plan went so very wrong. You listened to the pigs, they seemed smart, and some of them would have had good ideas. One pig Napoleon had an idea, and made promises to the rest, so they followed. All but Snowball. Snowball was chased away by the vicious dogs Napoleon raised and he himself took Snowballs plan to use in his own beneficial way. Those pigs care only for themselves and because of their intelligence, they have taken full advantage of you. You now see that you are working for them. They are the ones benefitting, they have all the apples and milk for themselves. They don't do much work and they don't care about you animals as long as they have the power. You will not now let these unfair conditions continue will you? For you have done so much, and received so little in return. I forward my idea of a new revolution. This new revolution will be gone with all unequal facts. Food, working and living conditions will all be fair and you shall not be ruled over by one kind of animal. A committee of two of each animals on this farm will represent and give forward your ideas to each other. Everyone is invited to the meetings so you all know what is happening and you an be involved in the planning for your future, as it is your future! You have been pushed over though, by the pigs, just because they seem

Nothing :: essays research papers

Locarno Treaty means peace for all At Locarno in Switzerland there was another treaty to be signed. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Poland, and Czechoslovakia were there to uphold this peace treaty. The three countries that backed the treaty up greatly were Germany, Great Britain and France. The main members of the treaty of Locarno are Austin Chamberlain (Great Britain) Aristide Briand (France) and Gustav Stresemann (Germany). Aristide is a successful member of the LoN helping in many cases. It has also been stated that he is a man that understands everything, but knows nothing. He has done many good things for France and is man of the modern world. Austin Chamberlain played an important part in framing the 1925 Locarno pact, an attempt to stabilize the capitalist powers in Europe. Known to enjoy family holidays with Mussolini the leader of Italy, together it states that he and Mussolini will uphold the peace in Europe. Gustav Stresemann is a very well known man in Germany and outside. This man has he lped Germany back on its feet he has accepted the fact that Germany was wrong but is a man he doesn’t stay in the past. The treaty’s central aspect of the treaties was that Germany would not choose combat as a means of resolving differences with France or Belgium. Instead, they would use diplomatic measures in order to sort out their problems. In addition, the other countries would come without delay to the aid of the attacked country should this agreement ever be broken. The treaties would assure that the frontiers between Germany and France and between Germany and Belgium be kept. France’s safety was only modestly improved, however, because the other countries in the agreement would only come to its aid if the act committed against it was considered severe. Moreover, the agreement did not restrict the Eastern border. The treaty is important because it brings a conclusion that Germany is accepting these obligations and that is the most important thing at the mo ment. The treaties gave way to a sense of global goodwill, known as the â€Å"spirit of Locarno†. They also helped straighten the way for Germany’s admission into the League of Nations the next year. Finally, Germany was being treated as a friendly nation by its enemies. Soon after joining the League however, the â€Å"spirit of Locarno† ran into strong opposition in Germany and France and eventually dissolved completely.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Marketing Management: Assignment Questions Essay

Q.2 Conduct a SWOT analysis for any one automobile brand of your choice. How will this analysis help in planning marketing strategies for the brand? Q.3 Explain in brief the process involved in personal selling. Q.4 Describe the stages of business buying process. Q.5 Why is rural market important? What should marketers keep in mind when catering to this market? Q.6 Explain the core concepts of marketing. Define service and explain its relevance in modern society Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0046 – Marketing Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Explain the various steps involved in the design of a distribution channel. Q.2 Will the pricing and product policy of a multinational firm be different in a developed and an underdeveloped country? Justify your answer. Q.3 Explain the consumer decision making process Q.4 What is integrated marketing communication? Explain the integration marketing communication development process. Q.5 Explain the types of advertisements and characteristics of major media. Q.6 What are the advantages of branding? What value does the organisation and customers get out of the branding process? MB0045_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0045 –Financial Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Considering the following information, what is the price of the share as per Gordon’s Model? |Details of the Company Net sales |Rs.120 lakhs | |Net profit margin |12.5% | |Outstanding preference shares |Rs.50 lakhs@ 12% dividend | |No. of equity shares |25, 000 | |Cost of equity shares |12% | |Retention ratio |40% | |Rate of interest (ROI) |16% | Q.2 Examine the components of working capital & also explain the concepts of working capital. Q.3 Internal capital rationing is used by firms for exercising financial control. How does a firm achieve this? Q.4 What are the objectives of working capital management? Briefly explain the various elements of operating cycle. Q.5 Define risk. Examine the need for assessing the risks in a project. Q.6 Briefly examine the significance of identification of investment opportunities in capital budgeting process MB0045_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0045 – Financial Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Examine the reasons for holding inventories by a firm & also discuss the techniques of inventory control. Q.2 a.) A bond of Rs. 1000 value carries a coupon rate of 10% and has a maturity period of 6 years. Interest is payable semi-annually. If the required rate of return is 12%, calculate the value of the bond. ( 5marks) b.) A bond whose par value is Rs. 500 bearing a coupon rate of 10% and has a maturity of 3 years. The required rate of return is 8%. What should be the price of the bond? ( 5marks) Q.3 Examine the features & evaluation of decision-tree approaches. Q.4 If the EPS is Rs.5, dividend pay-out ratio is 50%, cost of equity is 20% and growth rate in the ROI is 15%. What is the value of the stock as per Gordon’s Dividend Equalisation Model? Q.5 Critically examine the pay-back period as a technique of approval of projects. Q.6 Two companies are identical in all aspects except in the debt-equity profile. Company X has 14% debentures worth Rs. 25,00,000 whereas company Y does not have any debt. Both companies earn 20% before interest and taxes on their total assets of Rs. 50,00,000. Assuming a tax rate of 40% and cost of equity capital to be 22%, find out the value of the companies X and Y using NOI approach. MB0044_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0044 – Productions & Operations Management- 4 Credits Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 What do you understand by Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI)? Q.2 Explain briefly the four classification of scheduling strategies & its approaches. Q.3 Define production management. What are the various functions involved in production management? Q.4 Explain the various phases in project management life cycle. Q.5 Explain the ingredients of a business process. Explain Physical Modelling. Q.6 Define the term quality. Explain the concept of quality at source. MB0044_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0044 – Productions & Operations Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 What is value engineering? Explain the steps involved in Value analysis. Q.2 Describe dimensions of quality. Which are the quality control tools? Q.3 What are the objectives of layout? Explain the classification of layouts. Q.4 List the benefits of forecasting. Discuss the role of forecasting in modern business context. Q.5 Mention the significance of plant location decision. Explain the location decision sequence. Q.6 What is meant by business process? Explain logical process modelling? MB0049_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0049 – Project Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Define Project Management Information Software. Discuss the various steps of PMIS planning. Q.2 Explain procurement process . What are the key steps involved in purchase cycle? Q.3 Define project-type organisation and discuss it in detail Q.4 Define value engineering. Discuss the scope of applying VE in project. Q.5 Define project management, resource, process, and project cycle. Why is project management important? Q.6 What are the key steps included in risk management process? What are the strategies used to reduce risk? MB0049_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0049 – Project Management – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Define activity, event, and path as used in network development. What is a dummy activity? Describe the CPM model. Q.2 Discuss the advantages of using PM software package. What are the common features available in PM software packages? Q.3 Define risk management. What are the different types of risks that can affect a project? Q.4 What are the roles and responsibilities of project leader? Describe the leadership styles for project managers. Q.5 Explain the life cycle of a project. Describe the various phases of project management life cycle. Q.6 What is project control? Discuss the various elements of project control. MB0048_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0048 – Operations Research- 4 Credits Assignment Set- 1 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Maximise z = 3Ãâ€"1 + 4Ãâ€"2 Subject to constrains 5Ãâ€"1 + 4Ãâ€"2≠¤ 200; 3Ãâ€"1 + 5Ãâ€"2≠¤ 150; 5Ãâ€"1 + 4Ãâ€"2≠¥ 100; 8Ãâ€"1 + 4Ãâ€"2≠¥ 80, x1≠¥ 0, x2≠¥ 0 Q.2 State the ways in which customers in a queue are served. Q.3 Explain the use of simulation in networks? What are the advantages of using simulation? Q.4 Explain maximin-minimax principle. Briefly describe the characteristics of competitive game Q.5 A project has 10 activities. The following table shows the information about the activities. |Table 14.5: Activities |Preceding activity |Duration in weeks | |information Activity | | | |A |– |6 | |B |– |3 | |C |A |5 | |D |A |4 | |E |A |3 | |F |C |3 | |G |D |5 | |H |B, D, E |5 | |I |H |2 | |J |I, G, F |3 | Draw the network †¢ Find the project duration †¢ Identify the CPM †¢ Prepare the schedule Q.6 Discuss different types of service systems? Aug/Fall drive 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester II MB0047 – Management Information Systems – 4 Credits (Book ID: B1136) Assignment – Set- 1 (60 Marks) Marks-60 Attempt each question. Each question carries 10 marks: 1. What is MIS? Define the characteristics of MIS? What are the basic Functions of MIS? Give some Disadvantage of MIS? 2. Explain Knowledge based system? Explain DSS and OLAP with example? 3. What are Value Chain Analysis & describe its significance in MIS? Explain what is meant by BPR? What is its significance? How Data warehousing & Data Mining is useful in terms of MIS? 4. Explain DFD & Data Dictionary? Explain in detail how the information requirement is determined for an organization? 5. What is ERP? Explain its existence before and its future after? What are the advantages & Disadvantages of ERP? What is Artificial Intelligence? How is it different from Neural Networks? 6. Distinguish between closed decision making system & open decision making system? What is ‘What – if‘ analysis? Why is more time spend in problem analysis & problem definition as compared to the time spends on decision analysis? Aug/Fall drive 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester II MB0047 – Management Information Systems – 4 Credits (Book ID: B1136) Assignment – Set- 2 (60 Marks) Marks-60 Attempt each question. Each question carries 10 marks: 1. How hardware & software support in various MIS activities of the organization? Explain the transaction stages from manual system to automated systems? 2. Explain the various behavioral factors of management organization? As per Porter, how can performance of individual corporations be determined? 3. Compare various types of development aspect of Information System? Explain the various stages of SDLC? 4. Compare & Contrast E-enterprise business model with traditional business organization model? Explain how in E-enterprise manager role & responsibilities are changed? Explain how manager is a knowledge worker in E-enterprise? 5. What do you understand by service level Agreements (SLAs)? Why are they needed? What is the role of CIO in drafting these? Explain the various security hazards faced by an IS? 6. Case Study: Information system in a restaurant. MB0048_MBA_Sem2_Fall/August 2012 Master of Business Administration – MBA Semester 2 MB0048 – Operations Research – 4 Credits Assignment Set- 2 (60 Marks) Note: Each question carries 10 Marks. Answer all the questions. Q.1 Explain project management (PERT) & Project scheduling of PERT. Q.2 Write a short note on Monte-Carlo simulation? What are the Limitations of using Simulation? Q.3 In a rectangular game, pay-off matrix of player A is as follows: i) Solve the game. ii) Write down the pay-off matrix of B and then, solve the game. Q.4 A marketing manager has 5 salesmen and 5 sales districts. Considering the capabilities of the salesman and the nature of districts, the marketing manager estimates that the sales per month (in hundred rupees) for each salesman in each district would be as follows.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Business Ethics in Bangladesh Essay

companionable responsibility requires individual(a)s engaging in production line endeavors to be defend in an estimable manner. h wizard and only(a)st motive ar article of beliefs of behavior that distinguish amid right and wrong. respectable bestow conforms to what a radical or conjunction as a whole considers right behavior. mickle operative in occupancy ofttimes face estimable questions. pipeline honorable philosophy is the evaluation of commerce activities and behavior as right or wrong. honourable standards in craft ar based on comm just now accepted beliefs of behavior realised by the expectations of lodge, the firm, the industry, and an individuals in- soul set. Criti sh erupty, Business righteouss can be defined as the critical, structured run of how race & institutions should be ingest in the knowledge base of commerce. In particular, it involves examining appropriate constraints on the occuring of self-sake, or (for firms) profits, when the actions of individuals or firms affects separates. (9) With un honourable handicraft touch on behaves much receiving customaryity, the public approximatelytimes weigh that people in stemma argon less estimable than former(a)s in society. just ethical difficultys chall(a)enge all segments of our society, including authorities, churches, and higher(prenominal) education. Most phone line sector leaders give their firms can non succeed without the trust of nodes and the gracility of society. A violation of virtuouss prepares trust and good go forth difficult to primary(prenominal)tain. In thousands of companies, executives and employees act fit in to the highest ethical standards. Unfortunately managers in al to the highest degree firms behave wrongly, and these instances atomic number 18 often exceedingly publicized. Personnel executive say the major(ip) motive managers behave unethically is to restrain power and bullion. Business ethical motive i s a wider term that includes many other electric ray morals that ar relevant to the single reach. For showcase there is marketing ethics for marketing, ethics in HR for gentleman Re mention Department and the resembling. Business ethics itself is a part of applied ethics the latter operates c ar of ethical questions in the technical, friendly, legal and line of credit ethics.Origin of Business EthicsWhen we trace the origin of line of work ethics we start with a plosive where profit maximization was seen as the only purpose of existence for a business. thither was no consideration whatso constantly for non-economic value, beit the people who drilled with makeups or the society that allowed the business to flourish. It was only in late 1980s and 1990s that both intelligentsia and the academics as well as the corporeal began to project interest in the same. Nowadays whatever all agreements lay due accent on their responsibilities towards the society and the natur e and they call it by polar names like corporate loving responsibility, corporate brass or social responsibility charter. capital and Important Sources of Business ethicsEthics in general refers to a constitution of good and bad, moral and immoral, fair and unfair. It is a encipher of conduct that is supposed to range behaviors indoors an organization and the social frame invent. scarcely the question that remains is, where and when did business ethics come into being? Primarily ethics in business is affected by the companioning sources family, religion, horticulture, legal system, honors of conduct, and individualal experience. It is for this reason we do not have resembling or comp permitely similar standards across the globe. These factors manage influences to diversifying horizontal surfaces on globe which ultimately get reflected in the ethics of the organization. For example, ethics followed by Grameen Phone Ltd. ar different from those followed by Squ are crowd or Unilever for that matter. Again ethical procedures vary across geographic boundaries.FamilyA souls values is the source of their ethics, and it is their philosophy, spectral or religious beliefs that usually financial aid mold and shape those values, that closely of all it is how a person is raise by his family that sets the foundation for his ethics in subsequent life. Its the staple fibre source of business ethics.ReligionIt is one of the oldest foundations of ethical standards. Religion wields varying influences across discordant sects of people. It is believed that ethics is a manifestation of the worshipful and so it draws a line amongst the good and the bad in the society. Depending upon the degree of religious influence we have different sects of people we have sects, those who arereferred to as orthodox or fundamentalists and those who are called as moderates. Needless to mention, religion exerts itself to a gr tucker degree among the orthodox and to l esser consequence in case of moderates. Fundamentally merely all the religions operate on the principle of reciprocity towards ones fellow beings cultivationCulture is a pattern of behaviors and values that are transferred from one generation to another, those that are considered as i channel or within the satisfying messinessates. No wonder therefore that it is the culture that predominantly determines what is wrong and what is right. It is the culture that defines plastered behavior as welcome and others as un unexceptionable. Human civilization is fact has passed by with(predicate) with(predicate) various cultures, wherein the moral commandment was redrafted depending upon the date that was. What was immortal or un congenial in certain culture became acceptable later on and vice versa. During the early vast time of homophile out upraiseth where ones who were the strongest were the ones who survived Violence, hostility and violence were so the acceptable. Approxim ately 10,000 year past when kind-hearted civilization entered the settlement phase, problematic work, patience and peace were seen as virtues and the early ones were considered otherwise. These values are still in employ by the managers of today. Still further, when human civilization witnessed the industrial revolution, the ethics of agricultural economy was replaced by the virtue pertaining to technology, prop rights etc. Ever since a tussle has ensued between the values of the agrarian and the industrial economyLaws or Legal organization of a CountryLaws are procedures and write in code of conduct that are laid slash by the legal system of the state. They are meant to guide human behavior within the social fabric. The major problem with the make of law is that all the ethical expectations cannot be cover by the law and redundantly with ever changing outermost environment the law and specially with ever changing outer environment the law keeps on changing but often fails to keep mistreat. In business, complying with the chemical formula of law is taken as ethical behavior, but organizations often generate laws by evading taxes, compromising on grapheme, function norms etc.Business Codes of ConductA business code of ethics is a series of established principles an organization accustoms when operating(a) in business or society. Organizations often develop these codes to ensure that all individuals working in the caller-up operate fit to the same standards. Most individuals have an cozy code of ethics or moral principles they follow in life. A position one individual finds ethically venomous may not see so to another individual. Using a code of ethics in business attempts to take a basic understanding of acceptable ethical behavior to be employ when handling situations involving the company, government agencies and the general public. former(prenominal) ExperienceIf an individual is punished or is not punished for behaving unethica lly, the behavior will in all probability be repeated. This type of experience boosts other to do unethical things in future. similarly the panic of punishment and the lack of reward for unethical activities encourage that particular person and all others to behave ethically.Factors Influencing Ethical deportmentTo encourage ethical behavior, executives, managers, and owners of firms must understand what influences behavior in the first place. The several(prenominal) factors that affect individuals behavior in business the business environment, organizational factors, and an individuals personal moral philosophy.The Business milieuAlmost day by day, business managers face ethical dilemmas resulting from the budgeure of the business environment. They are challenged to admit sales quotas, cut costs, increase efficiency, or overtake competitors. Managers and employees may manytimes look at the only fashion to survive in the competitive world of business is by deception or c heating. In some instances, an organization may use somebody elses successful work without the leave of the owner or originator. Conflict of interest is another commonalty ethical problem stemming from the business environment. oftentimes an individual has achance to further selfish interests preferably than the interests of the organization or society. To gain advance with people who make purchasing stopping points for their companies, a seller may offer special favors or gifts, ranging from a metal to tog to trips.Some offer cash-a kickback-for putting by means of a contract or placing orders with a company. Others offer bribes. Such illegal conduct will damage the organization in the long run. In order to limit unethical behavior, business firms must start up by expecting their employees to obey all laws and regulations. The global business environment presents further ethical dilemmas. Business people and government officials in different countries and cultures often o perate correspond to different ethical standards.The OrganizationThe organization itself to a fault influences ethical behavior. someones often chequer ethical or unethical behaviors by interacting with others in the organization. An employee who sees a superior or co-worker behaving unethically may follow suit. An organization can in addition use rewards to influence the behavior of its members. If an individual is rewarded or is not punished for behaving unethically, the behavior will probably be repeated. Likewise the threat of punishment and the lack of reward for unethical activities encourage ethical behavior. The severity of punishment also sends a message to other individuals who might be considering similar activities.The Individual ValuesA persons own moral philosophy also influences his or her ethical behavior. A moral philosophy is the set of principles that dictate acceptable behavior. These principles are learned from family, friends, co-workers, and other social g roups and through formal education. In underdeveloped a moral philosophy, individuals can follow two neares The Humanistic Philosophy focuses on individual rights and values. Individuals and organizations adopting this philosophy would honor their moral duties to customers and workers. Individuals and organizations following the Utilitarian Philosophy set some the greatest good for the largest number of people.grandness of Business EthicsMost of us would agree that it is ethics in make that makes sense just having it carefully drafted and redrafted in books may not serve the purpose. Of mark all of us want to be fair, clean and beneficial to the society. For that to happen, organizations need to indorse by ethics or rule of law, engage themselves in fair practices and contestation all of which will benefit the consumer, the society and organization. Primarily it is the individual, the consumer, the employee or the human social unit of the society who benefits from ethics. I n entryory ethics is important because of the following1. delightful Basic Human Needs existence fair, honest and ethical is one of the basic human needs.Every employee desires to be much(prenominal) himself and to work for an organization that is fair and ethical in its practices. 2. Creating Credibility An organization that is believed to be driven by moral values is respected in the society correct by those who may have no information about the working and businesses of that organization. British American Tobacco, for example is perceived as an organization for good corporate system and social responsibility initiatives. This perception is held outlying(prenominal) and wide nonetheless by those who do not even know what business the organization is into.3. Uniting People and lead An organization driven by values is revered by its employees also. They are the common thread that brings the employees and the decision makers on a common platform. This goes a long track in aligning behaviors within the organization towards get hold ofment of one common closing or mission.4. Improving Decision making A mans unavoidableness is the sum totals of all the decisions that he/she takes in course of his life. The same holds true for organizations. Decisions are driven by values. For example, an organization that does not value competition will be fierce in its operations aiming to wipe out its competitors and establish a monopoly in the market.5. Long Term gains Organizations guided by ethics and values are useful in the long run, though in the short run they may seem to lose money. For Example, Tata group, one of the largest business conglomerates in India wasseen on the verge of decline at the beginning of 1990s, which soon turned out to be otherwise. The same companys Tata NANO car was predicted as a failure, and failed to do well but the same is pickaxe up fast now.6. Securing the Society frequently ethics succeeds law in safeguarding the society. T he law machinery is often found acting as a mute spectator, unable to extradite the society and the environment. Technology, for example is growing at such a fast pace that the by the time law comes up with a regulation we have a newer technology with new threats replacing the senior(a) one. Lawyers and public interest litigations may not help a great deal but ethics can.Business Ethics- practice session in BangladeshIn Bangladesh, though practice of Business ethics is still not so commendable in public sector and small companies, but business ethics has been an increasing concern among big companies, at least since the 1990s. Major corporations increasingly fear the damage to their image associated with press revelations of unethical practices. The following information about the functions relating ethics and social responsibility of 2 reputed companies of our region will give a brief idea about the practice of Business Ethics in Bangladesh.ACI expressAdvanced Chemical Indust ries (ACI) extra is one of the leading conglomerates in Bangladesh, with a international heritage. They have a mission to achieve business excellence through quality by understanding, accepting, meeting and exceeding customer expectations. They follow International Standards on spirit Management System to ensure coherent quality of products and services to achieve customer satisfaction. They are focusing on meliorate the food habit of consumers through providing to a greater extent(prenominal) ready to cook products and ready to eat as well. Their visions are to establish symphonic relationship with the corporation and promote great environmental responsibility within its cranial orbit of influence. Their Values are Quality, Customer Focus, sightlyness, Transparency, continuous Improvement, and Innovation.Ethical speak toesSocietal phylogeny through Educational Programs ACIs guiding principle in all its operations is to be a responsible corporate citizen. consequently Social Responsibility is a bring in priority for each individual at ACI. Their Initiatives and significant contribution to societal development is Continued Medical Education (CME) for medical professionals and Childrens Education Programs. ACI has also undertaken an incline Education program in Faridpur, one of the remotest districts of Bangladesh. This stick outs concur to teach English style to school going children. Doctors in Bangladesh who are not living in the metropolitan cities have very limited access to the Internet or any other sources of information. In order to keep them updated on the developments in the medical practices regularly, the CME program has been prove highly effective. ACI believes that by promoting education of children, they are contributing to societal development by shaping the minds of their future leaders.Environment amiable Practices ACI has undertaken extensive programs to educate crop farmers all over rural Bangladesh in favourable Agricu ltural Practices. They have a squad of agricultural experts working at the theatre level all across the plain, dimension a range of technical instructs and field demonstrations. ACI also has similar education programs for fleshly and poultry farmers. These include, Technical trainings on versatile aspects of farming, and on application of new technologies, Farmers group meeting for sharing of learning and experience, fall by the wayside visits to farms by veterinarians, to identify problems and give advices to individual farmers. Most importantly, making the farmers aware of ways to protect the environment from hazardous uses of chemicals on their farms, allowing them the opportunity for informed decision-making. ACI hopes to continue to bit a leading role in promoting greater environmental responsibility among farmers in Bangladesh.Unethical ApproachesACI Company produces some products which do not work properly, like ACI Aerosol. It is in the first place produced for ki lling mosquitoes, but thats not true. Most of the mosquitoes go away for sometimes but not killed. Sometimes someproducts like ACI Atta, ACI Maida, etc contains 1975 grams instead of 2000 grams but they fix their prices for 2kg of the products. These are unethical for their marketing practices.Unilever Bangladesh LimitedOver the last four decades, Unilever Bangladesh has been constantly bringing new and world clear products for the Bangladeshi people to remove the daily drudgery of life. Over 90% of the rudes households use one or to a greater extent of Unilever products. They aim to give everybody a little something to celebrate about themselves every day. They believe that to succeed in business, it is inseparable to maintain the highest standards of corporate behavior towards everyone they work with, the communities they touch, and the environment on which they have an impact.Ethical ApproachesEffective Code of business principles Their code of business principles describes th e operational standards that everyone at Unilever follows, wherever they are in the world. It also supports their approach to governance and corporate responsibility. Code of business principles are- Standard of conduct, Obey the law, employees, consumers, shareholders, business partners, community involvement, public activities, the environment, innovation, competition, business integrity, conflict of interest, compliance, reporting, monitor. Women Development and Women Empowerment Unilever strongly believes in the immensity of empowering women in Bangladesh, because the progress of any society will be constrained if a significant part of its population is miss and excluded from the benefits of development.They believe, with economic and educational empowerment, women can twist more vocal about their rights and blend stronger in withstanding repression in any form. So they have established Fair & pin-up metrical foot. The mission of this foundation is to encourage economic e mpowerment of Bangladeshi women through information and resources in the areas of Education, Career and Enterprise. It is this acknowledgment that has brought about the Fair & Lovely Foundation Scholarship Program. Under this scholarship scheme, women who have passed their HSC each receives a Taka 25,000 scholarship to support her tertiary level education.Unethical ApproachesUnilever produces Fair & lovely fairness cream, lotion, etc and they claim that bark color will be face cloth after using this product. But that it is not true. There are no scientific values about whiteness. This is totally unethical performance in marketing activities of this company. relative Customer Evaluation on Ethical Performances of 3 Reputed Companies of Bangladesh practice Customer answer on Maintenance of Ethical purpose by the Companies (1)Figure Customer receipt on Deceptive Practices Used by the Companies (1)Figure Customer Response on Significant Contribution toward Ethical selling (1)F igure Customer Response on Satisfaction through Using Products of the Companies (1)Figure Customer Response on changing of Defective Products by the Companies (1) bribery & Nepotism- A Curse against Ethical Practicedepravation is a very strong example of unethical behavior and it is still prevalent in different business sectors of our country in the form of Bribery and Nepotism. Nepotism is the way in which someone approaches and compels a person of power and authority to take unavoidable steps to get his work through with(p) by capitalizing kinship, friendship or governmental lobbying. Bribery means offering gifts, money etc. to get a work done in unethical way. Often public officers are infamously alleged for taking bribes to award public contracts using their power. Bribery and Nepotism also exist in the corporate world, which is very harmful for ethical practices and creates hindrances in building proper and ethical business environment.Managing or Encouraging Ethical b ehaviorManaging the financial operations of a company can be a multifactorial effort. Companies need to balance their desire to grow with the realities of maintaining their financial relationships, satisfying their investors and making a profit. Government Regulations The government can do so by legislating more stringent regulations. But, rules require enforcement and when in many cases there is evidence of lack of enforcement even the ethical business person will tend to slip something by without acquiring caught. Increased regulation may help, but it surely cannot solve the entire business ethics problems. mint Associations Setting Guidelines Trade associations can and often do supply ethical guidelines for their members. These organizations within particular industries are in an excellent position to exert pressures on members that stoop to questionable business practices.Companies Providing Code of Ethics Employees can more easily determine and adopt acceptable behavior when companies provide them with a code of ethics. Such codes are perhaps the most effective way to encourage ethical behavior. A code of ethics is a written guide to acceptable and ethical behavior that outlines uniform policies, standards and punishments for violations. Because employees know what is judge of them and what will happen if they violate the rules, a code of ethics goes a long way towards encouraging ethical behavior. However, codes cannot mayhap cover every situation. Companies must also create an environment in which employees descry the importance of complying with the written code. Managers must provide direction by fostering communication, actively modeling and encouraging ethical decision making, apart from investing in training employees to make ethical decisions. spill the beans Blowing technique Sometimes, even employees who want to act ethically may find it difficult to do so. Unethical practices can become planted in an organization. Employees with high per sonal ethics may then take a controversial step called whistle blowing. babble out blowing is informing the press or government officials about unethical practices in an organization. Whistle blowing could have averted disaster and preventedneedless deaths in the Challenger space shuttle disaster, for example. How could employees have known about life-threatening problems and let them pass? Whistle blowing on the other hand, can have serious repercussions for employees those who make waves sometimes lose their jobs.ConclusionThe main objective of business is to serve people with their every need for the well-being of human being and to ensure that, there is no alternative of following business ethics. Since the practice of business ethics in our country is still not ubiquitous, we are not getting the proper environment for the business, and thus often we are facing some crisis situation and it is hampering our total economic development. Our form _or_ system of government makers a nd the top executives of the organizations should give more concern in making ethical policies and take proper steps to encourage business executives and service holders to follow them.References1) Ethics In Marketing On Bangladesh Perspective resume on Few Companies of Bangladesh- collected from beingness Journal of Management Volume 2. second 2. September 2010, the direct link- http// Business for the twenty-first Century- Skinner & Ivancevich3) An Integrated Approach to Business Studies (4th edition)- Bruce R Jewell4) Business Studies (4th edition)- Dave Hall-Rob Jones-Carlo Raffo- Alain Anderton5) www.managementstudyguide.com6) www.smallbusiness.chron.com7) www.cwafford.conveycontent.com8)